UPDATE: My experience with Orly Nail Rescue

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Hey guys!

So It's been 3 weeks since I used Orly Nail rescue to repair my broken nail and I wanted to update you on my experience.

You can read my initial post HERE

Ok so here is my nail when I first applied nail rescue:

If you read my initial review, you'll remember that nail rescue left the nail textured and therefore I had to apply a smoothing base coat (here I used +☆ DREAM POLISH ☆ Smooth Gem base coat). This was such a perfect base coat! With my nail polish applied you would never know the nail had been repaired. 

Since first applying nail rescue I wore 7 different manis: 

Nail rescue held up throughout all of these, So I was really impressed. I used a normal nail polish remover so not to be too harsh on the product. Over the 3 weeks the product thinned out (Initially I applied 2 good layers for extra protection) and also gradually grew out. 

Here it is after 3 weeks:

As you can see it has grown out quite a way. The product claimed to last for 2 weeks and it well surpassed this, even with me changing my nail polish often. For £9.50 this product was an absolute life saver and I am a definite convert for this rather than using the teabag repair technique.

My break had very nearly grown out, and yet after I took this photo. I did a lot of house work: Washing up and cleaning. I did wear gloves while doing this but it obviously took its toll on my nail and eventually this happened: 

Just my luck! The section of nail finally broke when it was so close to growing out! My bad luck wasn't over there! Just before writing this post I changed my bedding and then this happened: 

I mean really!? So I've had to file my nail:

I'm hoping with some time it will grow and then I can get back to my square nail shape. Obviously with my nails naked they aren't very protected. I'm currently trying out CND nail rescue which needs naked nails (Keep an eye out for this post soon).

So overall I've been really impressed with Orly Nail Rescue! It held up really well over three weeks, enduring 7 nail polish changes and allowed my nail to nearly grow out. It was just unfortunate that that my nails are currently completely naked so have little protection.

Have you used Orly nail rescue? What do you think of it? 

Rach xx

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