The Wonderful Thing About Tigger!

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Hey Guys!

I'M BACK! If you follow me on Instagram you'll know that I've decided to get back into my nails after a long time off. I want to apologise for going completely AWOL and I hope I wasn't rude. As I explained over there I've had a lot going on and I just haven't had time to think about my nails. Anyway things have been better lately and I've decided to get back into it. 

So here is my first mani! I wasn't completely happy with how they turned out but I do still really like them. I decided to recreate these as I painted them for my cousin a long time ago and I was originally inspired by a design by 'nailsbypurple'. 

So here is a closer look at the mani: 

I also created a short step-by-step pictorial for you guys to follow!

I started off with 'Elegant Touch 24KT Gold Ridge Filler' for my base coat. I then applied 'Models Own Beach Hut' to all of my nails as my base colour.

On all of my nails bar my ring finger I painted black stripes using some black paint and a small detailing brush. As you can see the lines don't have to be perfect at all its fine if they are a little messy as it just adds to the look! 

Now for Tigger himself:

  1. Apply your base coat and let it dry. Apply an orange polish and let that dry fully! You may want to  use a quick dry topcoat here to speed things up. 
  2. Using a small detailing brush and pale yellow/beige paint or polish create two lined diagonally down from the top of your nail and another line to join them, then fill in the shape. 
  3. Now create two diagonal lines from the bottom of your nail and again join up and fill in the shape. 
  4. Using the same detailing brush and now some pink paint or polish create the nose shape. 
  5. Using black paint or polish and a dotting tool or cocktail stick create two eyes. Then using a detailing brush paint his eyebrows above. 
  6. Again with your brush you want to create three lines on either side of his nose for whiskers. 
  7. Finally seal it all with a top coat. I used Sally Hansen Insta Dri. 
 That's it! Here's one more look at them:

I really hope you guys like them! What do you think? I'd love to see if any of you guys give them a go!

Rach xx


  1. Welcome back and what a fun mani. I loved Nails By Purple, it's a shame she's also gone.
    Vicky x

    1. Thank you so much! It's good to be back I've missed it :) I know x
